Why is such tripe even newsworthy? A sex offender who defends himself on the basis that he is being discriminated against for publishing top-secret information! Am I missing something here?
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
WikiLeaks Founder Attacks the United States
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Tobacco Lawyers Sue the Food Companies
The NY Times reported on Sunday that since pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars from the tobacco companies, lawyers have been desperately searching for their next payday. So all those companies that claim their products are “natural,” “healthy,” or “organic” better take heed that if one molecule of some ingredient in their products is considered unhealthy by these lawyers or their highly paid experts, they are going to be hauled into court. They will have to defend themselves from some class-action lawsuit that will cost millions of dollars to defend and accomplish absolutely nothing—other than to make a few exceedingly rich lawyers even richer.
Does anyone really believe that a jury of 6, 8, or 12 people (depending on the jurisdiction) is able to decide what is best for the American consumer?
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Same-Sex Marriage – Cluttering Up Our Constitution
So what are the three valid answers to the same-sex marriage amendment?
1.) Yes, I favor same-sex marriage and vote against the amendment.
2.) No, I oppose same-sex marriage and vote in favor of the amendment.
3.) I oppose same-sex marriage, but I also oppose changing the constitution.
This third group is in an unusual position of having to choose which is worse, allowing same sex marriage or changing the constitution.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Same-Sex Marriage – A Political Game
Sure, the economy is more important than same sex marriage, virtually everyone agrees with that. But there are no solutions to our economic woes that will get anyone elected or help anyone stay in power. To solve our long term economic woes, we either have to raise revenues (i.e. more taxes), reduce spending (i.e. cut funding to all the grand entitlement programs that got most of our national leaders elected in the first place), or, heaven forbid, a little of both. No matter which side a politician takes, he alienates half the American voters, and if he’s dumb enough to advocate the one solution most likely to do good, a little of each, then he alienates everyone. Taking a stand on the economy is simply bad politics, unless all one does is talk in absurdly vague generalities.