Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Presidential Debates – Who Won?

I am always perplexed by the incessant media and internet traffic focused on who won the last debate. Really, why does anyone care? The one and only time the president of the United States engages in any debate is during election season. Never once does he debate against anyone as a part of his official duties. So why do we care whether we elect a president who is good at debate?

Who appeared more confident? Who appeared more “presidential?” Who was more aggressive? Who was more in control? All these questions obviously rate form over substance. Instead of rating candidates on their performances, we should rate them on the thoughtfulness, originality, and honesty of their ideas and action plans. Unfortunately the American public stifles all debate about specific action plans because the very minute any politician gets specific, the American public instantly finds ways to criticize him, usually by leveling personal attacks rather than attacks against the idea itself. So the true ideas each candidate has are carefully hidden from the public during election season, and we are left to guess about what they really intend to do if they get elected.

So all we are left with is form over substance, and we have only ourselves to blame.

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